Copyright 2008-2011 Dominic Sayers <>
BSD License (

How to use is_email()
1. Add the downloaded file is_email.php to your project
2. In your scripts use it like this:

	require_once 'is_email.php';
	if (is_email($email)) echo "$email is a valid email address";

3. If you want to return detailed diagnostic error codes then you can ask
is_email to do so. Something like this should work:

	require_once 'is_email.php';
	$email = '';
	$result = is_email($email, true, true);

	if ($result === ISEMAIL_VALID) {
		echo "$email is a valid email address";
	} else if ($result < ISEMAIL_THRESHOLD) {
		echo "Warning! $email has unusual features (result code $result)";
	} else {
		echo "$email is not a valid email address (result code $result)";

4. Example scripts are in the extras folder

Version history
Date       Component    Version Notes
.......... ............ ....... ...............................................
2010-10-18 is_email.php 3.0	Forensic categorization of email validity
.......... ............ ....... ...............................................
2010-10-18 tests.xml    3.0	New schema designed to enhance fault